Almost there.

Hello! It’s finally the weekend!!! And can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? I can’t wait for break to finally get here.

You have no idea how relieved I am that this week is finally over.  As I mentioned in my last post, this week was quite a big one for me.  Overall it wasn’t that bad though, I managed to make it through all the tests and my last speech for my public speaking class (insert celebratory jumping up and down here)! I pretty much hate public speaking so I’m really glad my last speech is done and over with.

Anyways, not all of this week was bad! Here are some of the random highlights and thoughts from my week:

– My last speech I had to give was a persuasive speech and I chose to do why you should buy organic foods.  I learned a lot from researching about it and it’s pretty scary what goes into non-organic food y’all! To see if I could really taste a difference between organic and non-organic, I bought a container of organic and non-organic raspberries from Trader Joe’s. Holy cow I could definitely taste a difference!! The organic ones were so sweet and I literally finished the container in a day.  The non-organic ones were definitely less sweet and had more of a chemically aftertaste to them. So crazy.


-My Dad also came down for work on Wednesday-Thursday which made my week so much better! Since his job requires him to come down to one of the army bases near my school a lot we always have a tradition of eating at Whole Foods for dinner! It’s kind of a hike to get to the only Whole Foods in the area but it’s so worth it. I would marry that store if I could.  Dinner was good but I’m still kinda mad that this Whole Foods changed their mac n cheese recipe.  It used to be a lot different (and amazing) but the recipe they use now makes it so much more saltier and not as cheesy tasting in my opinion. Oh well 😦


My dad is also the best and he brought me this one day!


Godiva= ❤

We went to Walmart before he left so I could get a few things I needed and we found the supersized version of one of my dog Copper’s toys! It’s the loofah dog toy and they had these giant versions there! I really want to buy one because it’s about triple the size of my dog and I think it would be hilarious watching him try to carry that around haha! I’m horrible, I know 😉


– A new nutrition store opened up near my school and I went yesterday to check it out.  I saw online they had the new flavor of Quest bars so that’s the main reason I went.  When I got there I was the only one in the store and the manager ended up talking to me for like 15 minutes! He was really nice but he was telling all about the best like pre-workout supplements and intense vitamins and stuff like that. haha I was so lost! But he did end up talking me into buying some fish oil pills.  I’ve heard some things about the benefits of fish oil so I figured I’d give it a try.


He gave me lots of free samples of protein too which was really nice. I can’t wait to try them out!

-Last but not least, FROZEN COMES OUT NEXT WEEK!!!!!! As you probably know, I’m a HUGE Disney freak. I mean duh, that’s the inspiration behind my blog name 😉 Anyways, I’m literally SO freaking excited for Frozen you have no idea.  I think this movie looks absolutely beautiful, with all the snow and ice.  And the sisters, Anna and Elsa, are so pretty and I just love their dresses.  My obsession for this movie has gotten so bad that every time the preview comes on tv, my roommates think I’m having a seizure or something…. #disneyfreakprobs 🙂


I’m definitely seeing it the day it comes out, and I think I’ve even convinced my mom to come see it with me.  Even if she backs out, I’ll just go by myself, I want to see it that badly!!!!

That’s all I have for now.  I just have to get through this weekend and Monday then I get to head home Tuesday which will be nice.

Have a great weekend!


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