The Golden Globes.

So I used to never really care about awards shows that much, but in the past 4 years or so I’ve LOVED them!! Especially when my favorite movies or tv shows are nominated for anything.

So last night all my roommates and I watched the entire 3 hour show (plus like 2 hours of red carpet stuff beforehand!) haha Really though, did the end of the show seem to drag on to anyone else that watched??  Of course fashion is like the main reason most girls watch right?! I know for me it is. Here are some of my absolute favorites I saw from the night!

To start off, I have to say my favorite of the night might be a little biased because it’s Jennifer Lee, the co-director of Frozen!!!!! Frozen was nominated for best animated picture and WON!!! YEAH FROZEN!!! Ok, sorry, this movie is just my life ok? Anyways, I thought she looked absolutely stunning in this dress! It’s such a gorgeous teal/aqua hue, which reminds me of the color scheme of Frozen 😉 and I just love the silhouette of the whole dress.  I thought she looked fabulous in it!! Really after watching so many behind the scenes videos of her directing she is just so adorable and can she please direct every Disney movie from now on please? 🙂

My next favorite has to be Sofia Vergara‘s gown.  While we were watching the red carpet coverage she said in an interview that she felt like she was smuggling Colombian’s underneath her dress because it was so poufy! haha We died laughing at that.  But really I mean have you ever seen Sofia Vergara look bad??

Lupita Nyong’o, I had no idea who she was, nor have I seen 12 Years A Slave, but holy cow she is drop dead GORGEOUS!

Again, I just LOVED the color of Reese Witherspoon‘s gown.  I’d like to know what exactly her gown was made of because when she was presenting, her gown looked almost fake as you couldn’t see any seams or lines.  Almost like it was animated or something! haha

Kaley Cuoco’s dress was so girly and flowy, I love it!!

Olivia Wilde is so freaking perfect I just don’t know where to begin. The green dress is just stunning with her eyes and ugh can I just please look like her?

Okay last one, I swear. I really don’t know who she is but her dress with the emerald detailing and matching shoes?? I die. This was probably my second favorite of the night.

Did you watch the Golden Globes? If so, who was your favorite look of the night??


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